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Palmy Karate


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Training consists of traditional Wado-Ryu Karate
All lessons are designed so you can learn karate at a suitable pace and develop the correct technique. A lot of repetition is required in order for you body and mind to do natural and spontaneous movements.
There is no emphasis on gaining quick grades. Gradings are held 2-3 times per year depending on the students progress.
Students only grade when they can perform the required grading syllabus at a high standard with a good mental attitude towards training.

Training fees

Term fees start from $110 per term depending on how many nights per week you train.
Our term is based on the school term (10 weeks)
We have family discounts for any second or third student living in the same house

Other fees:
Karate NZ competitors registration
Grading fees
Squad trainings


You will not be able to practice karate without having to respect a certain number of traditions that the instructor will bring to your attention. This will make you familiar with the special atmosphere that holds in the dojo and then you will understand the respect you must pay to the people who train there.
Karate is performed in a Gi. It is a white karate suit. Most traditional styles of karate wear white as a sign of purity. A Gi is not required until your first grading. Gi's can be bought second hand or new. Loose fitting clothes will be adequate until a Gi is required. All karate is performed in clean bare feet, no shoes are to be worn in the dojo.
At the end of the training night the last class washes the tatami (mats)

Class Schedule

Monday and Thursday

5.00-6.00pm Junior Beginners up to Yellow  stripes Belts

5.30-6.30pm Juniors Yellow belts and above

6.45-8.15pm All Seniors

Squad trainings by Arrangement